
2012年7月16日—I'verestartedthedeviceandinstalledtheStorageAnalyzerbutitisonlypickingupthe146GBoflegitimatelyusedspace.I'mthinkingthat ...,2017年3月29日—Itook2x3TBdrivesoutofmy1813+andupgradedthem.InowwanttousethesedrivesinanoldPCbutthecapacityshownisaround800GBnot ...,2019年1月13日—IfImanuallytotupthesizeofeachfolderinFileStation,Iarriveat891.06GB.However,accordingtothestoragewidgetI'mcurrentl...

[Official] Solving storage discrepancies

2012年7月16日 — I've restarted the device and installed the Storage Analyzer but it is only picking up the 146GB of legitimately used space. I'm thinking that ...

Hard drive taken from Synology NAS shows wrong capacity

2017年3月29日 — I took 2x3TB drives out of my 1813+ and upgraded them. I now want to use these drives in an old PC but the capacity shown is around 800GB not ...

Storage widget appears to show incorrect used storage

2019年1月13日 — If I manually tot up the size of each folder in File Station, I arrive at 891.06GB. However, according to the storage widget I'm currently using ...

Used storage space incorrect

2020年12月30日 — I have a NAS setup for a customer that has fairly simple usage, 1 data share and 1 backup share. I got the message that the diskspace was ...

The storage space in Synology Drive Server is nearly full ...

2023年2月5日 — Go to DSM > Synology Drive Admin Console > Team Folder. Select the folders which are not frequently used and click Disable. Press and hold ...

I added new drives to my Synology NAS, but the available ...

2022年5月19日 — However, the available capacity did not increase. Diagnosis. Check for the following causes: Multiple volume support. Go to Storage Manager ...

Storage Manager shows my storage usage is higher than ...

2023年11月5日 — 1. Check the volume usage (applicable only to DSM 7.0 and above). Check the Usage Details of your volume to find out if any of the following ...

How to fix mysterious "Others" space on Synology Nas and ...

2023年7月16日 — Hi guys, I was in trouble since I was ending all my Synology hard disk space, so I checked how the space was taken (in Storage Manager, ...

Mysterious 2TB of "Other" in volume Usage Details

2022年4月29日 — Any ideas of what it could be? My current free space is 2.2 TB, so if I can free up that 2TB of Others it would basically double my free space ...